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Our exciting partnership with private aviation leader Sheltair

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We’re proud and grateful to unveil a new partnership we’ve finalized with one of the most reputable companies in private aviation: Sheltair.

We paid homage to Sheltair’s intrepid leader, Lisa Holland, earlier this year, back when we began doing pop-up events selling and sampling snacks at various Sheltair locations from Fort Lauderdale, Fla. all the way to Broomfield, Colo.

We had the pleasure of spending time with the wonderful, energetic Sheltair leadership team and the hard-working staff at each location. It was quite the education, learning about the business of a fixed-base operator (FBO) and how Sheltair puts a premium on safety and serving its employees, customers, and crew.

We admire Sheltair for not only talking the talk, but also show its commitment through action, including the decision to take our partnership to the next level.

Beginning Father’s Day, Sheltair added our tasty, #actuallyhealthy snacks to its Pilots’ Lounges nationwide. No more basic snacks and standard stock—Sheltair is showing pilots that their team prioritizes health and wellness.

“Understanding the importance health to the overall happiness of our guests and employees led us to collaborate with airfare,” Lisa said. “We are proud to have taken an important step in our mission of further supporting our guests and employees with something as important as wellbeing.”

For our part, we couldn’t be more proud to partner with this outstanding group of people.

So if you happen to be flying in or out of a Sheltair FBO, make sure you check with the front desk or stop into the pilots lounge and get your (healthy) snack on. Each of the 14 locations has its very own mix of our favorites, like Pizzalmonds from Healthy Truth in Massachusetts, Cacao Date & Cashew Bites from Sun & Swell in California, and PB and J Bars from Jonesbar in New Jersey. Yes, all are as delicious as they sound, plus they are #actuallyhealthy.

If you’re not a general aviator or don’t frequent Sheltair locations, talk to your company about elevating its snack game. We have plenty more snacks to spread around. 😉

Send us a note at with your company’s situation and we’ll send a bundle of snack samples.

Save 15% on your first snack order