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The health science of apples, plus a new apple snack

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As we all know, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”

That famous maxim came from Wales. The original version was, “Eat an apple on going to bed and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.”

Both versions of that axiom certainly carries some wisdom.

Let’s start with the science. Spanish researchers recently reviewed the available science on the impact of apple consumption on health and found that eating more apples was associated with lower inflammation, lower cholesterol, better blood flow and longer lives.

Just 100 grams per day—about half of an average apple—appeared to be enough to yield significant benefits. The two primary explanations were the fiber and phenolic compounds apples contain.

Fiber, as we’ve written about before, slows digestion of foods, which regulates blood sugar levels and appears to be good for the gut. Pectin, the fiber in apples, seems to be particularly healthy for our stomach microbiomes.

Phenolic compounds, meanwhile, are essentially a fancy way of saying "antioxidants." These stable molecules subdue less stable molecules called free radicals, which can damage healthy cells.

There’s also science showing that eating an apple before a meal substantially reduces the calories consumed in the following meal. This again is a benefit of high fiber content.

The bottom line, as the Welsh have been trying to tell us, is that apples are healthy. This is great news, because they also taste frikin’ great.

On that note, we continue to up our apple ante at snacking headquarters, USA.

New Cinnamon Apple Chips

The airfare marketplace already has the tasty Apple Raisin Trail Mix from Texas-based Gopal’s Health Foods, the beloved Apple Pie Fruit & Nut Bar from Costa Rica, and the original Fuji & Reds Apple Chips from Bare Snacks.

To add to the party, we’re bringing some cinnamon to the market with Bare Snacks’ Cinnamon Apple Chips.

As a bonus beyond the benefits from the apples themselves, cinnamon consumption has been shown to have its own array of health benefits.

To sum it up:

  • Apples taste good
  • Apples are good for us
  • We have a new apple snack
  • The new apple snack also has cinnamon
  • Cinnamon also tastes good
  • Cinnamon is also good for us
  • You should probably scroll down to try them

As we say here in Boston: ”How do you like them apples?”

Bare Snacks Cinnamon Apple Chips

For anyone celebrating Passover in the coming weeks, just dip this crispy apple chip in some honey for a lovely holiday hors d'oeuvre. They’re even certified Kosher.

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