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New snacks: Bean-powered bars from California

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At airfare, we’re all about the beans. Just like the World Health Organization and the American Diabetes Association, we see beans as among the healthiest foods available. That’s why we get irrationally excited when we come across a bean-focused snack without any added junk.

Today, we’re introducing another new snack to our growing assortment, and another that’s loaded with legumes. Like most of our other incredible snack partners, the story of today’s new snacks begins with their founders.

For years, Caroline Israel struggled with her health, weight, and food addiction. She tried numerous remedies including psychotherapy, Overeaters Anonymous, hypnosis, and various medications. No matter what she tried, she still found herself binging on bread, cheese, and sweets.

Then she came across the book that changed her life: Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. The book focuses on a concept called nutrient density. “As your level of micronutrients increases—by consuming greater amounts of high-nutrient foods—your appetite will naturally decrease,” Dr. Fuhrman writes.

That’s exactly what happened for Caroline. After about a year and half heeding the book’s advice and consistently adding higher-nutrient foods to her diet, her cravings started to dissipate.

“The desire to binge began to diminish and eventually disappeared altogether,” Caroline said. Astounded by her own progress, Caroline became a health coach and started to encourage others to add nutrient-rich foods to their diets.

One person Caroline helped was long-time friend Patty Czach. Over the years, Patty had seen her own health slip, and it started to catch up with her. Caroline’s advice echoed Dr. Furhman’s: start by adding more nutrient-rich foods to your diet.

Patty knew about the veggies and fruits, but was surprised by the importance of beans. This is common—only 8 percent of Americans eat beans on a given day. When Patty started seeing the positive results, she approached Caroline with an idea: “We have to make a bean bar!”

And so they did.

In June of 2018, Caroline and Patty set out to create a bar made with whole-food ingredients, mainly beans, nuts and fruit. Even with no prior business experience—newbies to the snack-making industry like dozens of other airfare partners—they rode their enthusiasm and positive personal experiences to get started.

Over the past four years, Caroline and Patty’s idea became WellBean, whose snacks are available around their local area of Morro Bay, Calif. and on their website,

And starting today, the three flavors of bars are the newest addition to airfare’s snack marketplace, spreading chocolate and peanut butter beany goodness to the masses. Add one—or all three—to your next order.

Until next time…it’s bean a pleasure.

The new snacks

Peanut Butter Crunch Bar

Every WellBean bar contains half a serving of various nuts, fruits and beans. Peanut Butter Crunch’s bean is the yellow pea, which is rich in fiber, protein, resistant starch, vitamins and minerals.

If you've never encountered the yellow peas-and-peanut-butter combo in the wild, now's your chance.

Almond Fudge Brownie Bar

Black beans are beasts. One reason is that they contain anthocyanidins, which (likely due to antioxidant power) have been shown to improve neurological health and protect against various diseases.

Almond Fudge Brownie is the most decadent way to get half a serving of beans and fruit. Chewy with a light crunch, WellBean calls its creation “the healthiest chocolate bar ever.”

Chocolate Chip Walnut Bar

This bar pairs half a serving of navy beans with a classic chocolate chip flavor, packing a real health-and-taste one-two punch. For the airfare team, this snack is a double threat: both lunch staple and nighttime dessert treat.

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