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Secrets of the skies from a pilot and flight attendant

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airfare faithful—

We’ve been talking a big game about our forthcoming Travel Survival Guide. And so far, we hope we’ve backed it up. We've released little bits along the way, like our interview with fitness expert and coach Fernando Contreras and our guide to the healthiest places to eat at LAX, ATL or ORD

Today, we’re going to continue that trend by introducing one of our favorite parts of the Travel Survival Guide—a section called "Secrets of the Skies." 

One of the best parts about running airfare is the great travelers and crew we’ve been able to meet. It's even better when they happen to be as bubbly and enthusiastic as Emilie, a flight attendant, and Sam, a US Air Force Pilot, who we'll introduce you to below. 

Connections like these often lead to great (and hilarious) insights about flying. In other words, "secrets of the skies."

Below is an introduction to Emilie and Sam and then our informative and entertaining interview. 



Emilie, Flight Attendant

  • Flying background: “I’ve been an FA at a major American airline for seven years. I traded my Fortune Top 100 company career for a life filled with travel, adventure, crazy hours, and total irregularity, and I haven’t looked back!"
  • - Best part of your job: "I love the freedom this job grants me in my personal life and that no two days at the office are ever the same! Even though the pay is blah, I am richer in relationships and life experiences. I also met the love of my life while on a layover in Oahu, and our cliche love story of 'flight attendant meets pilot' will forever be my favorite!"
  • Fun fact: "French was my first language, and I tribute my Belgian roots for my chocolate addiction!"


Sam, Pilot

  • Flying background: “I’ve been a pilot in the U.S. Air Force for 10 years."
  • Best part of your job: "The reason I joined the military was to fulfill my dream of becoming a pilot while also being able to serve my country. I’m hoping to one day continue fulfilling my dream at a major airline or cargo company. My favorite part about my job is the people and the ability to do what I love every day."
  • Fun fact: "I’m not solely right-handed or left-handed or ambidextrous. It just depends on what I’m doing.”



What is the absolute best brand of carry-on luggage?
"Travel Pro. It’s what all crew members use, and they sure can take a beating. We aren’t gentle on our bags and always overpack them, but they last for years!"
What are the one or two things you bring with you on the plane that make travel 100% better, easier, more fun?
"First, food. Options often suck in airports and are almost always unhealthy and overpriced. The food selection onboard is limited and not any better. Plus, it’s full of cheap sodium to make it taste better and preserve it, so it will make you bloat more than usual. Bring your own snacks to ensure having something yummy at all times!"
"Second, accessories like headphones, blanket, sweater, pillow, charging cable, and portable charger. Air travel is always cold like a movie theater, so showing up in your bikini and Daisy Duke shorts is an amateur move. We don’t cater blankets on most flights and we won’t roast everyone else in the cabin just for you. As for entertainment, most carriers now offer free movie streaming for personal devices, so come prepared or that long flight will seem longer.
What are the most underrated North American destinations or cities?
 "Montreal, Canada. Experience French and English while still being just next door to the United States and getting introduced to foods like poutine. And Rapid City, South Dakota. Lots of cool coffee shops, eateries, and tourist attractions like historical Mount Rushmore."
What is one thing flight crew or frequent travelers know about flying that most passengers have no clue about?
 “Skip the coffee, hot tea, and hot water on board. The tap water has been known to contain E. coli and coliform." 
“The most dangerous moments of flight are the first 90 seconds during takeoff and the last 90 seconds of landing. Cruising is actually very safe, and only in very rare circumstances is turbulence a threat to the safety of the aircraft."
“Cabin pressure is always advertised as being there for passenger comfort, but in reality it’s there to keep everyone from getting hypoxia!" 
“Cabin and cockpit crew members are only paid for flight time. So during boarding and deplaning or even delays, they are not being paid.” 
What's the real job of a pilot and flight attendant?

 “While Flight Attendants do provide meal and beverage services in flight, they are actually only there for safety purposes in case the aircraft needs to be evacuated or there's another emergency. Food and drinks are merely a perk of air travel today.”

“Pilots do a lot more than just take off, put on autopilot on and read a magazine. In flight, pilots are managing everything from weather updates, weather avoidance, ensuring fuel is properly balanced, making radio calls, managing minor aircraft malfunctions, and coordinating with multiple outside agencies and air traffic control, just to name a few!”
What is one perk available in airports that most travelers don’t take advantage of?
 “Water fountains! Water bottles are pricey when purchased in the terminal, and you usually only get a cup or so on board, so bring your own water bottle and stay hydrated for free!”
What is something you learned about air travel that you didn’t know before you started working as flight crew?
“It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. The life of crew members is not as glamorous as in the Pan Am days. Layovers are short, days are long and there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. And all obstacles must be overcome with a smile on your face. One wrong move could cost you your job, or worse, everyone’s life onboard.” 
What is your most embarrassing air travel story? 

“I was listening to music and didn’t hear the gate change announcement. So when everyone lined up, I went to board for the wrong flight." 🤦‍♂️ 

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