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Three expert takes about on-the-go fitness

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This week, we’re giving you a break from our top-notch writing, and instead pointing to a few people already publishing helpful content about what we live for—making it easier to be healthy on the go. These trusted sources are airfare customers or friends of our team, and their expertise is the world of fitness.

If these fitness freaks don’t motivate you, then….at least you’ve got #actuallyhealthy snacks, right? Now go do some wall sits and elbow planks.

The 12 Minute Athlete

We’ve written before about Krista Striker—the 12 Minute Athlete—before. Her power was on display when she helped cofounder Justin put on five pounds of muscle in just a few months. Besides being a great trainer and a handstand pro, Krysta is also a great writer.

  • We love this article about some high-intensity interval training you can do without a gym, with little to no equipment, and with very little time.
  • Check out her book, which is refreshingly straightforward, practical, and one of the better fitness books we’ve ever read, without exaggeration.
  • The easiest way to start is with the workout in this four-minute video.
  • Finally, here’s our full interview with Krista.
  • Now, as Krista says, “get to work.”
The Fit Aviator

There are a lot of fit people out there sharing skin-bearing, muscle-flexing photos. But what matters to us are the dudes and dudettes who are fit and have schedules that put time at a premium. In addition to being a commercial pilot, Fernando Contreras is also a renown speaker and runs a personal training business, a podcast, and a website. Somehow within his packed schedule, Fernando prioritizes his workouts, and—best of all—he shares his secrets.

  • Enjoy this great interview Fernando gave to Envoy that includes advice for pilots, tips on optimizing fitness on the road, and a deeper look at his underlying motivation.
  • Here’s his website, which has tons of helpful links, including:
  • Members of the airfare team have used Fernando’s Instagram page to do complete workouts several times. There’s so much value in his content, which is likely why his number of followers has more than doubled since we met him.
  • We also published our own interview with him, which is worth a read.
The Fit Aviatrix

Maddie Miller is an all-around inspiration. Her explicit mission is “breaking the stigma around mental health care for pilots,” and she makes a real difference in so many ways. She has published content for years about her own health journey, co-hosts a fantastic podcast geared to pilots, and has coached dozens of flight attendants, pilots and other aviators to keep them at the top of their game.

  • We love that Maddie takes the the time to show all the exercises she uses in her fitness programs. You can literally pick a handful of these moves at random and create an easy, fast, no-gym-necessary workout when you’re on the road.
  • Her Instagram page is loaded with helpful writing and videos, like this video on back exercises.
  • While not entirely fitness-related, Maddie and cohost Emma inform and entertain in their Pilot’s Pandemic Podcast. We personally recommend checking out this episode—an interview with two crazy guys who started a weird, new healthy, on-the-go snack company. 😜

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