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Each of our snack choices is based on the type of snacker we are. What purpose is the snack serving?
To illustrate our point, let’s imagine purchasing a car.
If the car will primarily serve to get from point A to point B, any dependable vehicle will suffice. A Hyundai and a Bugatti will both meet the low threshold for “good enough.”
Instead, say we’re in a more realistic situation and want to get from place to place and also want to do so in style. Here, we may want a Porsche 911 Turbo instead of a used station wagon—we’re wealthy in this example. 💰
Now let’s add a third purpose—we want to commute, to look good, and to minimize our impact on the environment. In this case, we might end up with a Tesla.
This same framework applies to the three primary snack-a-gories. In addition to the baseline requirements of convenience and hunger satisfaction—which apply to all snacks—each snack category serves a specific set of needs.
Let’s start the Hungry, Why Wait? category, unofficially brought to us by Snickers.
These are the snacks that are mostly about taste, and the ones that flood grocery store aisles, airports, and hotel minimarts. Snackers in this mindset want something that tastes yummy and is available right now…and that’s it.
This was basically the only category of packaged snack in existence before the mid-1980s, when PowerBar hit the scene. “Prior to [the PowerBar’s] arrival, hikers ate GORP (good old raisins and peanuts) or Snickers bars,“ Outside Magazine wrote in 2019. “Alpinists chased such snacks with warm liquid Jell-O from thermoses—the original energy gel. Skiers kept frosted Pop-Tarts in their parkas. ”
PowerBar—and later CLIF and KIND—changed that. They started the second category, Better for You.
Snackers in this space still want to curb hunger and to enjoy the snacking experience. Yet they’re also thinking about health, at least a little. The sweeteners in these bars aren’t quite as bad as high-fructose corn syrup, so that’s a start. The new bars provided a “sporty” feeling and moved in the right direction, but they left plenty of room for improvement.
Finally, there’s the #ActuallyHealthy category.
This is where the real, plant ingredients live, where there’s no place for added sugar or oils to hide, and where airfare customers spend their time.
The airfare marketplace even goes one step further, ensuring that the healthiest snacks possible don’t sacrifice taste. To return to the car-buying example, we’re delivering all the benefits and none of the downsides. We might not be Tesla…but we’ve got some tasty, healthy options.
Snackers in this category are not interested in Better for You snacks that contain junk ingredients and added sweeteners disguised as health syrups and nectars. They want snacks that taste great, satisfy hunger, are legitimately healthy and keep them feeling great.
You might recognize this category of snacker by looking in the mirror. If so, and if you’ve never tried our snacks before, for the next week, save 25% off your first order by using the code “TASTY25.”
If you’re a repeat customer or current subscriber (thank you), pass this offer along to another #actuallyhealthy snacker, and we’ll take half off your next order if they try us out.