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Training soon? Get snacks wherever you need them

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airfare snacks are—no surprise—for the air, and the people that hang out there a lot. People like pilots, flight attendants, and George Clooney "Up In the Air" types. People like you.

 But not always. 

Usually, our 50+ plant-based goodies are eaten in the sky or during a brief stop between flights, but our members also save their snacks to enjoy elsewhere. Unfortunately, it's not just planes and airports that lack convenient, healthy options.  

The first few examples of this "other place" eating were obvious. Take hotels, for example. It’s no secret that the most hotel restaurants leave much to be desired on the health front, and don’t get us started on the minibar. 

But other examples are not so obvious.

For instance, one of our members is a private pilot and police officer. He eats his snacks in the squad car. “I keep my pouch right there in the passenger seat,” he said. “That way, when I need a snack, it’s not far away.” 

Another member—a consultant—stashes her snacks in the car for frequent road trips. She does fly frequently, but she said the road trips are the hardest times to cover. “On the way between my clients, there’s literally nothing but gas stations," she said. "And there’s nothing there for me. I’d rather not eat." 

Yet another version of this "other place" need for healthy snack options has become more apparent in recent weeks: training.

We discovered it when an airfare member—a pilot—asked us to deliver his monthly snack shipment straight to his training facility in Dallas. We realize that #crewlife is filled with constant training, whether for new qualifications or to stay current on safety standards. Incidentally, this makes us feel pretty confident as passengers that crew are always up on the latest findings and techniques.

We're now increasingly hearing complaints about the lack of quality food options at most trainings, in addition to how little time there is to eat. “These trainings are long and the options are horrible,” the American Airlines pilot said. 

Then, this month, an air traffic controller and long-time airfare member told us she plans to bring her airfare snacks to a training at the end of February in Oklahoma City. “I’m glad I’ll be able to bring at least some snacks to get me through the day,” she said. Meanwhile, her husband, a Delta pilot, pinched some of her snacks to bring along to his own recent training. Major marriage points, courtesy of airfare.

We finally connected the dots, and we want to help you train in good health.

If you run into this problem or are headed to training in the next few weeks, or if you're going somewhere like a conference where you may not have access to healthy and  convenient options...let us help.

We can send snacks straight to you at your destination, whether it be a training facility, conference center or hotel.

You might not look the coolest kid in school, but you'll certainly be one of the most prepared...and probably envied. While your colleagues are scrambling for food and losing energy in the process, you can rest assured, knowing that your health, energy, and time are under your control.

As always, if you don’t like a snack, let us know and we’ll swap it for free. Or, if you’re not 100% satisfied with the order overall, we will gladly refund you on the spot, no questions asked. 

If you want to not only fly healthy, but train healthy, click here to place an order and tell us where to send it.  

-Geremy, Justin and the airfare team

Save 15% on your first snack order